18 Cosmology

1. Universe at the Largest Scale

The largest scale

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field

The cosmological principle

Therefore, the cosmological principle includes the assumptions of isotropy and homogeneity.

2. The Expanding Universe

Olbers’s Paradox

If the universe were homogeneous, isotropic, infinite in extent, and unchanging 

This obvious contradiction of the facts is known as Olbers’s paradox.

So, why is it dark at night?

The universe is homogeneous and isotropic—it must not be infinite or unchanging.

Birth of the universe

recession velocity = H0 × distance

time = distance / velocity

= distance / (H0 × distance)

= 1 / H0 

» 14 billion years.

3. Big Bang

Olber's Paradox - The Solution

The BB event


Receding Galaxies

Cosmological Redshift

4. The Fate of the Cosmos

There are two possibilities for the Universe in the far future:

Assuming that the only relevant force is gravity, which way the Universe goes depends on its density.

Model Universes

Distance between two galaxies as a function of time:

The point where the two curves touch represents the present time.

Critical Density

There is a critical density between collapse and expansion. At this density the universe still expands forever, but the expansion speed goes asymptotically to zero as time goes on.

Given the present value of the Hubble constant, that critical density is:

9 × 10-27 kg/m3 

The Geometry of the Space

If space is homogenous, there are three possibilities for its overall structure. They can be described by comparing the actual density of the Universe ( Ω) to the critical density (Ω0).

Einstein’s Curve Ball

In a closed universe, a beam of light launched in one direction might return someday from the opposite direction after circling the universe, just as motion in a “straight line” on Earth’s surface will eventually encircle the globe.

5. Will the Universe Expand Forever?

Let's check the actual density of the Universe

Type-I Supernova

Accelerating Universe

Observations of distant supernovae:

Einsteind & Cosmological Constant

6. Dark Energy & Cosmology

Cosmic Age

The age of a universe without dark energy (represented by all three lower curves) is always less than 1/H0 and decreases for larger valus of the present-day density.

7. Cosmic Microwave Background

A map of the microwave sky shows a distinct pattern, due not to any property of the radiation itself, but to the Earth’s motion:

A COBE map of the microwave sky