13 Stellar Explosions

1. Life After Death for White Dwarfs


White Dwarf

White Dwarf in a Binary

To convert a WD into a Nova, WD has to be in a binary and binary separation has to be small. Then ...

Accretion Disk

Nova Matter Ejection

(a) The ejection of material from a star’s surface can clearly be seen in this image of Nova Persei, taken some 50 years after it suddenly brightened by a factor of 40,000 in 1901.

(b) Nova Cygni erupted in 1992 (10 000 ly away).

2. End of a High-Mass Star

Iron and Nuclear Masses

The figure shows the relative stability of nuclei.

Iron is the crossing point:

Gravity vs Pressure

p + e → n + neutrino

Supernova 1987A 

(Left) Before the event. (Right) After supernova explosion.

3. Supernovae

Type I

Type II

It occurs when the core of a high-mass star collapses and then rebounds in a catastrophic explosion.

Supernova Light Curves 

4. Supernova Remnants

Supernovae leave remnants

Crab Supernova Remnant

Vela Supernova Remnant

SN1987A Supernova Remnant

Through the years the remnant revealed itself. Now an expanding ring illuminated by the internal matter can easily be seen in both visible and X-ray wavelength bands.

5. Formation of the elements

Where do they come from?

Formed during normal stellar fusion: three helium nuclei fuse to form carbon.

This process requires 108 K and it is names as triple-alpha process.

Carbon can then fuse, either with itself or with alpha particles, to form more nuclei:

(a) This process requires 6 x 108 K and it is uncommon.

(b) This process requires 2 x 108 K and it is favorable.

Alpha Process

(a) At high temperatures, heavy nuclei (such as silicon, shown here) can be broken apart into helium nuclei by high-energy photons.

(b) Other nuclei can capture the helium nuclei (or alpha particles) thus produced, forming heavier elements by the so-called alpha process.

This process continues all the way to the formation of nickel-56 (in the iron group). Nickel-56 is unstable and therefore decays into cobalt-56 which decays into iron-56 which is the final element in this process

However, within the cores of the most massive stars, neutron capture can create heavier elements, all the way up to bismuth-209.

The heaviest elements are made during the first few seconds of a supernova explosion.

Beyond Iron

➤ No repulsion barrier to overcome in combining with positively charged nuclei

➤ Therefore, mass of Iron nucleus continuously grows

56Fe + n    ⇒ 57Fe                (relatively stable)

57Fe + n    ⇒ 58Fe                (relatively stable)

58Fe + n    ⇒ 59Fe                (radioactively unstable)

...             ⇒ decays into59Co    (stable)

59Co + n    ⇒ 60Co 

...             ⇒ decays into60Ni

╚══════════════════════╝ ➤ s-process

6. Cycle of Stellar Evolution

Stellar Recycling

The cycle of star formation and evolution continuously replenishes the Galaxy with new heavy elements and provides the driving force for the creation of new generations of stars.

Clockwise from the top are